Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Hippie Food: Granola

I hate breakfast. The food selection is a tad limited. Eggs, bacon, toast, oatmeal, fruit, cereal. But I love a good European breakfast: cold cuts, croissants, butter (and lots of it), smoked fish and yogurt. And what goes best on yogurt but granola!

Lately, I have been going towards comfort foods and foods my Mom used to make when I was young. And there is something wonderful about homemade granola. And was my Mom a hippie? She'll deny it - but she did have a beaded curtain.

Mom's Granola
6 cups of Oatmeal (I really like the gluten free Only Oats! - one pkg of)
1 cup of unsweetened coconut
1 cup of pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup of sunflower seeds
1 cup of honey (though you may want to reduce this amount if you want it less sweet)
1/2 cup of veg oil
Cranberries, raisins (half a cup of each or more if you prefer)

Don't add the fruit til the end!!!- otherwise you will have fruit rocks!
(you like your teeth don't you?)
Combine your the above ingredients (but do not add the fruit!!!). I have been looking at various Mark Bittman recipes and he does not use the veg oil. Personally, I have tried it without and you get a more golden appearance and less burnt taste.
This is the loverly golden colour it should be!

Spread out evenly on baking trays with parchment and bake at 350 degrees. Stir the granola every 10 minutes to evenly brown.

The parchment is a great tool to lift up the bottom bits of the granola rather then relying entirely on a spatula. Wait until the granola is cool and add your crans and raisins. Store in an airtight container for two weeks.
You can get really fancy with what you put in your granola: like chunks of dark chocolate and dried cherries.....but basic is sooo good. Why mess with a good thing?

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