Tuesday 30 July 2013

Taste Test: Blueberry Soda from Maine Root

Okay, now for another soda taste test. Today, (from the wacky organic store with only American products) we are tasting Maine Root's Blueberry Soda!

I love me some blueberries!
Just in case you don't know: Maine loves its blueberries, just as much as it's seafood. While Machias, is home to the Machias Wild Blueberry Festival personally I have only been to the fabulous blueberry restaurants in Bar Harbour. There (and I am sorry I don't remember the restaurant) I had the best blueberry pancakes I have ever had with wild blueberries, not them big suckers, with wild blueberry syrup.  Damn it was amazing. I am surprised the locals are not blue.

So back to the soda.

Hand crafted....organic....cane sugar...and natch, blueberries!

And the colour is fabulous! Just like the blueberries. In fact, after I downed this glass, there were some berry skins in the bottom of the glass.

How does it taste?

Pretty good. Almost like a carbonated juice with a touch of something else you just can't put your finger on (maybe it is the cane sugar?) Now it is sweet, maybe even a little too sweet for my tastes, but remember I am not a pop drinker per se - I'm just testing these unusual soda's out.

I think kids would like it because of it's colour and taste. And I think I would buy a bottle again.

Wait a sec....dang...I've reviewed one of their soda's before! LOL! Oh well....the company has some great flavours....check out the Pumpkin one over here!

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