Wednesday 17 August 2011

Riding the Wave to HD

As of September 1 in Canada, televisions are going digital. Last year I bemoaned the change of the US stations to digital. First it was Fox...."that's okay," I thought. "I still can see all those shows on Global." But then PBS disappeared and I was quite upset. Not upset enough to buy cable, mind. If TVO is gone, or CBC, I am really screwed - damn, I better get to work.

With the clock a tickin',  I have found myself doing research and asking myself a million questions I have never even dreamt of before.  Do I want a new tv or should I just buy an adapter? Should I get a new antenna? Do I want a big one or small one, outdoors or in? How much do I want to spend. Blah, blah, blah.

The Zinwell Converter. $89.99 at The Source.
Read the user comments and you can buy them for $50 in the States.

Unlike the States, there is not a lot of selection in regards to digital converters in Canada. Through my internet searches (i.e. the big guys: Future Shop, Best Buy, The Source, Walmart), there are only about 5 or 6 digital converters to choose from. And I am including those that are over $100 too! With one model there are some scary, scary reviews about it overheating. Eek! Let's just say there is very little choice. I have also decided not to buy from the States as I just don't want to pay hidden duty or shipping costs.

Out of all of the big guy retailers, The Source offers a special guide about the conversion from analog to digital, directing you to check out on this really cool website called tvfool to help your purchasing decision. (Makes me question why other retailers didn't do this, but it is their loss!)

Type in your home address and it tells you what channels you should be able to receive and basically the strength of antenna you should invest in depending on how many of these available channels you want. It is neat to try out, even if you do subscribe to cable.

The Terk Indoor HDTV Antenna. What I ordered...
what may work....what may not work.

In the end I settled on this fish bone thing cause it was on-sale, has great reviews and should work at my location. Despite it's design flaw - it is tippy- there is quite a strong demand for this contraption and it is on back order. Now I have to wait. Whatever.

Apparently I am not the only one thinking about those invisible signals. Over at lycfyi, Jenny is questioning the choices available south-of-the-border.


  1. My brother got one, it works. It is indeed a Tippy HDren; we laughed at him trying to balance it on a redneck wood ledge sticking out the window. I won't even tell you what channel he was trying to get for my parents!

  2. Oooh that's good news! I have worried that I may have bought a dud since it is only $40. I know Mr. B will knock it about a bit. Thankfully he is a carpenter and he may build a wider base. But I know it won't be as fun as trying to poke each other's eyes out with the rabbit ears!


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